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United Coffee Company was established in 1993 as the first producer of instant Soluble coffee in Jordan using the latest available technologies. The company produces all other types of roasted and ground coffee prepared form choice Robusta and Arabica coffee beans.


To craft exceptional coffee experiences that inspire and delight coffee enthusiasts around the for all our customers. Fueled by a passion for quality, sustainability, and innovation, we are dedicated to sourcing the finest coffee beans, employing cutting-edge roasting techniques, and upholding the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility.


To continuously push the boundaries of coffee craftsmanship, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration. To be the global standard for excellence in coffee production, recognized for our unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation.

Welcome to the world of United Coffee
a story of success ...

The drink has been brewed in this land for over 2,000 years, people were fascinated by coffee, poems were written, and coffee was considered the most expensive beverage ever discovered.

The practice of drinking coffee was common throughout Arabia. This custom was exported to the rest of the world, but its cultivation was closely guarded, and the coffee manufacturing process remained a secret for many years to come.

United Coffee takes the original love affair with coffee from its roots and combines it with modern technology and innovation in a unique cup of coffee that everyone will enjoy – instantly.

the past…
the present…
the future…

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